6 to 8 years: Make friends, try new indoor & outdoor activities……
Welcome to the Beavers section of scouting.
We meet every Tuesday during term time for an hour.
Our meetings are a way of introducing young people to the values of scouting, through a range of fun, creative and active ways – we play games, do experiments, take part in craft activities and even have time for a drink and biscuit.
When the weather permits, we try to be outside doing things like building dens or exploring our local countryside.
This helps us work towards badges – details of these can be found on the Scouts website.
What do Beavers do?
Have fun! Play games, learn skills through activities that give them the opportunity for recognition of their achievements when we award them badges. All Beavers promise:
The Beaver promise
I promise to do my best, to be kind and helpful And to love God
The Beaver Colony
Your child who is joining is led by a Beaver Scout Leader (BSL)
We start a colony night with opening and closing ceremonies.
When they formally join they are invested and they get their necker and make the promise above.
Beaver sweatshirt, optional polo shirt. We provide necker, woggle and all badges.
A guide to where badges go can also be found in the parent portal of OSM, and under our ‘For Parents’ section.